

Professor, Doctor of Science
E-mail: noto
TEL: +81-52-872-5820
FAX: +81-52-872-5820
Research Course: Mathematical and Material Science
URL http://www.nsc.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/~noto/  
Specialties Mathematical Biology, Population Genetics
Keywords The structured coalescent, Stochastic processes, Population Genetics
Current Research (1) Stochastic models:
The coalescent is a stochastic model describing the genealogical relationship of sampled genes from populations with finite sizes. My recent study is concerned with the structured coalecent model including the geographical structure of population and migration.

(2) Inference of parameters:
Recent progress of DNA sequence technology enables us to make the detailed analysis of genetic polymorphism. My interest is to apply the coalescent theory to the inference of the time to the most recent common ancestor of sampled genes and the demographic history of population.
Selected Papers An application of the central limit theorem to coalescence times in the structured coalescent model with strong migration, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol.61, pp.695-714 (2010).

The coalescence time of sampled genes in the structured coalescent model, Theoretical Population Biology, 70, pp.289-299 (2006).

The Structured Coalescent Process with Weak Migration, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol.38, pp.1-17 (2001).

A Perturbation Method for the Structured Coalescent with Strong Migration, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol.37, pp.148-167 (2000).

The number of segregating sites in a sample of DNA sequences from a geographically structured population, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol.36, pp.188-200 (1997).

The strong-migration limit for the genealogical process in geographically structured populations, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol.31, pp.115-122 (1993).

The coalescent and the genealogical process in geographically structured population, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol.29, pp.59-75 (1990).