
Our Research

Graduate Students

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Roots, The Hidden Half.

Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Nagoya City University 

We are investigating the process of plant growth.

Sprouts and root tips of plants grow very fast, at millimeters per hour.

Their growth is cleverly regulated by plant hormones, responding to the environmental conditions.

Understanding of the growth process will be helpful and challengeable task to solve the global problems of 21 C; Environment, Foods and Energy .

Plants will support whole our life forever as did 7000 y-old ciders.

… and our research interests in plant growth phenomena never run out!

Specific research fields are


7000-y old cedar in Yaku-shima island


Tanimoto Lab.


The role of Plant Hormones
・The role of Cell Wall 
・Elongation of the Plant Roots

* Reviews, Books and Paper publications 





©2005 Eiichi Tanimoto Graduate School of Natural Sciences,Nagoya City University