
Roots, The Hidden Half.

Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Nagoya City University 

Tanimto Lab. <<Plant Growth Physiology>>     

Our Research



・The role of plant hormones in plant growth.
Plant growth is controlled by the environmental factors, such as water, air and nutritional conditions. Plant hormones play a significant role in the process of such growth regulation. Our main interests are focusing on the mechanism of growth regulation by plant hormones, Gibberellin and Auxin.


・Plant growth is controlled by the modification of cell walls.
Cell walls determine cell size and shape by the complicated process of structural modifications. The mechanical properties of cell walls play a role in this process.

We are investigating the mechanical properties of plant cell walls by the viscoelastic analysis to describe the mechanical properties by the viscoelastic parameters defined by the Kelvin-Voigt-Burgers' viscoelastic model.


・Growth of plant roots are roots of plant growth.

 Plant roots
support the growth of aerial organs by supplying water and mineral nutrition. The communication between roots and aerial organs play an indispensable role for a plant to grow. Ideally organized root system is desired for maximum growth of plants. Despite the difficulty of investigating roots growing underground soil, tremendous efforts have been made by root researchers (see Japanese Society for Root Research) with new idea and technology.

In this laboratory, we are using hydroponics-cultured roots of peas, rice, maize and hairy roots for the analysis of growth regulation and cell wall modification.

(see Reviews, Books and Publications)


Graduate Students

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©2005 Eiichi Tanimoto 名古屋市立大学システム自然科学研究科