名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

Japanese English

名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

Japanese English
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名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

Japanese English


Campus life

Support of graduate school students

Day and evening classes:
To support office workers who have a passion for learning, courses with similar content are provided in day and evening classes. The course outline is flexible, which allows working students to obtain academic credits within the specific period. ※Since 2019, we have decided to offer evening courses every other year.
Long-term enrollment system
The long-term enrollment system helps students with difficulty in obtaining academic credits during the standardized teaching period (2 years for the first semester and 3 years for the second semester of the PhD program) because they are working. This system allows them to extend their academic learning up to 2 years after the expiration of the teaching period. Tuition fees during the extended period are the same as in the standard period. Currently, many working students use this system. Students may change their extended period after the application according to their academic credits.
Certification system for the previous academic credits
Previous academic credits obtained from another university are transferred (certified) to our university if these credits correspond to our subjects. Up to 10 academic credits are certified using this system.
Scholarships (the Japan Student Services Organization)
Students of this division who meet certain criteria can apply for scholarships of the Japan Student Services Organization (the first class [interest-free] and the second class [with interest]). Those with superior entrance examination results can reserve scholarships before admission. Furthermore, high achievers at graduation may get exempted from total or half the fees of scholarships after an interview (only the first-class scholarships).
Teaching assistant (TA) system
This system offers excellent students an opportunity to provide lectures as instructors by attending classes as the assistant of a professor under educational considerations. Furthermore, this system financially supports students because they earn a salary. This is regarded as an educational activity at the university, which is included their career.
Research assistant (RA) system (assistance for research in the doctoral program)
This system improves the level of academic research by facilitating the research support system and the development of young researchers through the participation of excellent students in the second semester of the PhD program to salaried projects.
Support of manuscript submission
This is an original system of this division and aids the required submission fees after preparing an English manuscript.
Support of travel expenses of international conferences
This system is available to all graduate school students and aids travel fees to facilitate their participation (presentation) in international conferences.
Akinobu Shimizu Grants
This is an original system of this division and aids the travel fees of students who participate in international conferences (for presentation), which is provided thanks to the kindness of Prof. Akinobu Shimizu (an honorary professor at the Graduate School of Science).