名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

Japanese English

名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

Japanese English
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名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

Japanese English


Ideal candidate

The Department of Biology and Integrated Science, School of Biology and Integrated Science trains students to be able to deal with various problems in society with comprehensive thinking skills based on science. The Department seeks individuals who have a broad view of science, with a focus on life science, and who can play an active role in their respective fields of specialization.

Desirable Students

  1. Individuals who are interested in one or more of life, physical, and mathematical information sciences.
  2. Individuals who have mastered fundamental academic to learn science (Japanese and English).
  3. Individuals who observe and question phenomena and are strongly interested in their solution.
  4. Individuals who are capable of adequate judgment through theorical, conceptional abilities to lead to conclusions.
  5. Individuals who are capable of addressing various issues with harmony, high ethics views, and independent minds.
  6. Individuals with communication abilities to adequately relay their own thoughts to others and to deepen mutual concepts.

Content and Level of Required Knowledge

  • Having high academic capabilities in science- and art-related subjects to learn in high schools
  • Having mastered the mathematical background necessary to learn science-related subjects.
  • Having knowledge and abilities regarding language to learn in high schools (Japanese and English).
  • Having theorical, conceptional abilities.