名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

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名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

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名古屋市立大学大学院 理学研究科 総合生命理学部

Japanese English

Faculty Members

Shigeto KAWATA

Mathematical and Material Science, Professor
Academic Degree
Research FieldAlgebra
KeywordsAlgebras, Finite Groups, Representation Theory
Current Research TopicsWe study modular representation theory of finite groups. In particular, we investigate Auslander-Reiten quivers of group algebras of finite groups over fields of positive characteristic. Also, we are interested in integral representation theory of finite groups and their Auslander-Reiten quivers.
Selected Publications

On Auslander-Reiten components and height zero lattices for integral group rings, Algebras and Representation Theory 17 (2014), pp. 1603-1613.

On Auslander-Reiten components and Heller lattices for integral group rings, Algebras and Representation Theory 9 (2006), pp. 513-524.

On Heller lattices over ramified extended orders, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 202 (2005), pp. 55-71.

On Auslander-Reiten components and simple modules for finite group algebras, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 34 (1997), pp. 681-688.

Module correspondence in Auslander-Reiten quivers for finite groups, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 26 (1989), pp. 671-678.