第153回「Quandle Cocycle Quivers」
講師 | Prof. Sam Nelson (Claremont McKenna College) |
日時 | 2019年7月25日(木),15:00〜 |
場所 | 4号館3階 大講義室 |
概要 | Given a finite quandle $X$, a set of quandle endomrophisms $S ¥subset ¥mathrm{Hom}(X,X)$ and a quandle 2-cocycle $¥phi$, we construct a direct graph-valued invariant of knots and link we call the quandle cocyle quiver. From this invariant we derive several polynomial enhancements of the quandle counting invariant and quandle cocycle invariant. This is joint work with my Harvey Mudd College senior thesis student Karina Cho. |
連絡先 | 鎌田 直子(内線5854) |
詳細 |